Purchased system @ Kit Car Exeter, Very good results!!!
- Regards Tom
Thank you for sending me the powder coating system I am very pleased with it's ease of use and the results.I have attached a photo of some car and motorcycle parts which I have coated.
- Thanks again, Willie
Just a quick note to say I am over the moon with your system. I recently aquired a built in electric oven, installed it in garage on its own 13amp (2040watt) power supply. Tested with your chrome finish on my1970 MGB GT's ashtray; came out just perfect.
- Rodger
Just to let you know the chrome powder coating I got from you the other week looks fantastic ! Well pleased with the result.
- Dex
Thanks for the quick reply ! I heard about you on the gtr owners club forum, a guy on there posted pictures of the parts he had coated, and also put a link to your website in the thread. I reckon you might get a few more gtr owners contacting you as his results were superb.
- Rob
I bought a powder coat kit a few months back and have been busy powder coating everything I can find in my engine bay. I am very impressed with the results.
- Guy
I have recently purchased one of your kits, and I am very impressed with the first results i have been having.
- Garth